Creating nature-positive economies is essential for the safeguarding of biodiversity and to tackling the global challenges posed by rapid urbanisation and climate change. Impact One collaborates with a network of leading industry and policy experts, to establish comprehensive methodologies aimed to foster ecosystem protection and restoration worldwide.
Nature and its services provide essential infrastructure for life on our planet. Nature-based solutions (nbs) are “actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems, that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively.” +
Today, most economic activities and human approaches do not withstand the test of scale when applying ‘universal law’, which leads towards impossible futures for the planet.

One Health Research Centre
100% + X
From Building to Growing Cities
The total value of intact forests and their ecosystem services estimated at $50-$150 trillion, i.e. up to 2x the value of global stock markets. In addition to forests' economic value and their mitigation potential, incorporating other Nature-based Solutions could also help to abate around 30% of total GHG emissions by 2030.
Ecosystems, such as the vast expanses of the Amazon rainforest, are intrinsically tied to global carbon balance and climate regulation. Addressing the complexities of ecosystem restoration requires more than just mere compensation strategies. it requires recognition of stewardship and ecological interdependencies, proactive measures reflecting local contexts, and a long-term commitment to sustaining biodiversity.
The environmental stewardship of indigenous communities illustrates symbiosis between human activity and the natural environment. Adopting their holistic perspectives and alternate forms of knowledge, Impact One offers viable solutions and alternative paths forward, in co-development with indigenous communities.

Stewardship of ecosystems by indigenous peoples has systemic relevance for global sustainability efforts
of the lands maintained by indigenous peoples & Local Communities have been found to be in good or moderate ecological condition +
of the planet’s remaining biodiversity is conserved by indigenous peoples +
of the world’s land is stewarded and protected by indigenous peoples +
of the global population is made up of indigenous peoples +

Possible Futures
Through its Possible Futures initiative, Impact One works with indigenous communities from the Amazon and beyond, co-creating regenerative business models to support indigenous peoples’ stewardship of their lands, and by extension, the protection of some of our planet’s most vital ecosystems.
Launched officially during COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh in November 2022, Possible Futures supports the indigenous lands reclamation movement to offer indigenous nations the means to self-govern their territories.

Launched officially during COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh in November 2022, Possible Futures supports the indigenous lands reclamation movement to offer indigenous nations the means to self-govern their territories.
Winds of Yawanawa by Refik Anadol and the Yawanawa, commissioned by Impact One
Possible Futures’ collaboration with the Yawanawa communities of Aldeia Sagrada and Nova Esperança, from the Brazilian state of Acre, was publicly launched in July 2023 with the artwork series Winds of Yawanawa.
Co-created by the Yawanawa and media artist Refik Anadol, Winds of Yawanawa is a first-of-its-kind impact NFT collection that provides funding to the Yawanawa for cultural and natural heritage protection.
The project has made history as one of the most successful collection drops of the year, having raised $3.5 million so far. Profits go directly to the Yawanawa community, and will be used to support long-term initiatives for the protection of Yawanawa territories and cultural heritage.

Aya Earth partners with Impact One
The Amazon’s Marathon: Brazil to lead a low-carbon economy from the Amazon to the world

of yearly GHG emissions are caused by deforestation and forest degradation
of total funding for terrestrial ecosystem restoration is generated by the private sector in Europe +
of total global GDP (over $44 trillion) is potentially threatened by nature loss +
Indigenous Biodiversity Credits (IBCs)
IKEM in partnership with the One Health Research Centre
“Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement and the private sector”
Utilising the potential of private sector engagement through the Paris Rulebook

Urban ecosystems face challenges from climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are often underutilised in mainstream urban planning. However, they can enhance urban resilience, air quality, and social wellbeing. By integrating green infrastructure cities can combat the urban heat island effect, manage stormwater, support biodiversity, and foster social cohesion.
One Health Research Centre
“Macro and Microclimate Effects of Urban Afforestation in Arid Climates”